

Deadline for submission of your papers is on September 30, 2023.


The proceedings will appear in the Open Access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), which is part of IOP Conference Series. All papers published in IOP Conference Series are fully citable and upon publication will be free to download in perpetuity.

Preparing your paper

IOP Conference Series uses author-supplied PDFs for all online and print publication. Authors are asked to prepare their papers using LaTeX, according to the journal guidelines and templates, and then convert these files to PDF. Full instructions on preparing your paper, along with templates, can be found on the IOP Conference Series website.

Limit for your paper is 10 A4 pages for plenary speakers and 8 A4 pages for other speakers.

For successfull proces of publication, it is very important to follow the style guidelines below. You have to use the LaTeX template provided by IOP and generate PDF file that you will submit.

It is important to ensure that when you submit your paper, it is in its final form ready for publication, and has been thoroughly proofread. IOP do not copyedit papers and will not send out author proofs prior to publication. Please note: post-publication changes are not usually permitted, unless there are exceptional circumstances, so please ensure your paper has been checked for errors.

Registration link

Submission process will be held on the platform Morressier. In order to upload your papers, you need to register using the link below. It is recommended to use Google Chrome or Firefox.

Instructions for authors

Instructions for reviewers